Well, what can I say – hasn’t the time flown past. This photo was taken yesterday and it is exactly one week to the day that nala is due to give birth to her second litter of Rhodesian Ridgeback Puppies.
Her prvious litter produced 13 healthy pups, so fingers crossed for another healthy large brood of little ridgies.
Now there has been a slight change in plans with this litter, as in I will not be overseeing the birthing and whelping this time around. A number of weeks ago I realised that it was best all round for Nala to return to her original breeder for her ‘duties’. Jackie from Zejak Rhodesian Ridgebacks, had happily offered to take Nala (as she had in the past) knowing that she was a great brood bitch having been an attentive mother producing a beautiful litter previously.
Work commitments have dictated that I keep my focus on the day job as a Dorset Wedding Photographer with a busy July in store with various bookings. I have every intention to be there for the birth of the pups and hope to play a role in the raising of the litter checking in on them regularly.
As and when I get the news of ‘the pups are coming’ I will be shooting off and hope to post pictures and updates here for all to see.